Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crack Corn

Most of the time snack food with anything less than 500 calories and 10g of fat/serving can best be described as "good, but nothing to write home about."

THIS, my friends, is something to write home about - and with only 120 calories and 2.5 grams of fat per 1.5 cup single serving. And it's ORGANIC.

Dude, forget about writing home. Nay, this is something to write BLOGS about. And not just a single entry in the form of a feature; this stuff deserves it's own host site. Like...

There are truly only but a few things for which I read the nutrition label and then have the following conversation with myself*:
"Ok self. Worst case (and most likely) scenario... You eat the whole bag. That's what, 850ish calories and 15 grams of fat...? Not bad for the WHOLE FREAKIN' BAG! Based on your height, weight, and BMR, that's what, 70% of your total calorie budget? Hmm... maybe if I skip dinner. But wait, I had Subway for lunch and Starbucks this morning. Damn. DAMN! ...Well what if I skip breakfast and my a.m. snack tomorrow??"

Yeah, this could be a problem.

::looks toward the kitchen longingly::

Eff you, Target, for lacing your Archer Farms kettle corn with CRACK.

...Is crack organic?

*other foods with which I sometimes have this inner soliloquy include Peanut Butter Puffins and unsweetened/unsulfered dried mango from Whole Foods


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